Preparing for Surgery
Your doctor will give you instructions to prepare for the surgery. The information below should not replace your doctor’s instructions, but it can prepare you for your outpatient surgery experience.
Pre-Admission Testing
Not all patients require pre-admission testing. If required, your physician will write an order to the lab of your choice.
Pre-Admission Call
It is helpful to have a list of your medications available for this call. Include over-the-counter drugs that you routinely take. If you have any pre-admission questions, please call: Center for Outpatient Surgery: 304-413-2200
Day Before Surgery - Be Prepared
No food or drink, no gum or tobacco use, no make-up, nail-polish, jewelry, etc. Arrange for someone to drive you home, and stay with you for 24 hours after the procedure.
Speak with your Doctor first!
Patients must have a Doctor referral to procede with registration.